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  • Do I need a license?
    The answer here is dependent on what you are using the kits for. If you are using the kits for non-competition use we can set them to use the 16 free PMR frequencies and no license is required. If you are using the radios during competition (qualifying or racing) the Motorsport UK require you to hold a license. We can provide you with the correct OFFCOM license which is valid for 5 years, and provides you with an additional 7 UHF and 5 VHF channels for you to use. This service includes setting up the license, programming your radio handsets with the assigned frequencies and issuing your license certificate in a PDF format for you to have on hand at the track. For European use we can supply compliant systems depending on the intended country of use.
  • What cars can the RCR PRO kit be used in?
    Any car from saloons, through to GT cars and single seaters. The specifically adapted RCR PRO-Kart is suitable for both indoor and outdoor karting
  • How far will my radio transmit?
    All radios, regardless of supplier work on a line of sight basis. This means if you can see the car, you can speak to the car. The radio waves transmitted by the handset have sufficient power to penetrate and negotiate moderate obstacles and the RCR PRO system has been tested at all UK circuits. You can take steps to ensure you are operating the radio in the best way: 1) Avoid standing in buildings while trying to transmit receive. Being outside greatly improves radio performance 2) Keep the radio handset antenna in the open, not under a coat or jacket 3) Keep your mobile phone away from the radio, or if you have it on you place it in flight safe mode 4) Ensure all the connections are correctly pushed together. Periodical checking of the car connections is advised 5) Ensure the car antenna is correctly grounded, either through the serrated roof fitting in a metal bodied car or with a ground wire
  • What is better for circuit use - UHF or VHF?
    Generally speaking for ground level track use UHF band radios are better for consistency and reliability. UHF radios operate at a higher frequency, which is ideally suited for wireless communications that need to penetrate buildings, walls, concrete, or other barriers. VHF radios have longer wavelengths, making them ideal for work across wide areas where there is little in the way of objects or topography between the transmitter and receiver. When working at ground level at a circuit a UHF radio wave will be able to better penetrate track side objects such as garages, trucks, buildings, fences and trees. Should you have a tall mast then using VHF at longer circuits may bring some benefit but it is important to have a mast which clears any obstacles RCR kits provide either fixed UHF handsets or a combined UHF/VHF (Dual kits) system.
  • Can other teams hear what I am saying?
    It is likely that at any given race meeting there will be other teams using pit to car radios. They may well be using a similar frequency set to you as the OFFCOM licensed frequencies are shared. It can be extremely distracting to hear other competitors communications, as well as potentially damaging if you are discussi9ng tactics. All RCR PRO kits come with DSC (Digital Selective Calling) enabled so that even if you are sharing a frequency your communications are private and secure
  • Is the kit easy to fit?
    Yes!! The kit can be installed in under an hour. All the cables are plug and play. The steering wheel PTT button is the only element that needs fixing to he cars structure.
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